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This might literally be the best kept secret on This game fucking slaps


There's so much to love here, the fact that something this good isn't more well known is staggering to me. That it's available for free is also just, I don't have words. The writing, the artwork, the layout - there isn't a single thing lacking.


Games like these are why I spend a few minutes of each day on looking at the TTRPGs recently released: because every now and then, I come across such incredible nuggets as this one. Get that: the author of this game, in which you play as werewolves fighting against the minimum wage during the day and against big monsters at night, decided that it wasn't polished enough to get paid for it, so he released it for free... When I see the quality of its layout, the beauty of its illustrations imitating 1920s woodcuts, its twelve story ideas per page, its simple and elegant mechanics, its slick advice on game mastering, I can't tell myself anything else than this: this is an absolute *banger* and it's almost a shame not to give its author any money!!


Thank you so much for such a wonderful comment. Made my day.

I'm so glad you enjoyed my game.


Woah this looks fantastic! Cant wait to play it!